Make sure you’re paid correctly
You should check your payslips to ensure you’re being paid correctly. Talk to your employer if you think there’s an issue or get advice from ACAS and HMRC.
Check your pay using our online calculator
Find out if you are being paid correctly by using the National Minimum Wage and Living Wage calculator.
Check if:
- you’re getting paid the National Minimum Wage
- you’re getting paid the National Living Wage
- your employer owes you past payments from the previous year because of underpayment
Get advice from experts
Acas is an independent public body that provides free and impartial advice to employers, employees and their representatives.
Call the Acas helpline if you would like confidential advice and support on your pay and rights at work.
Report underpayment to HMRC
If you think you’re being underpaid, you should report it to HMRC.
- Where practical, discuss with your employer
- Read our FAQs on common questions and mistakes when calculating pay
- Complete HMRC’s online form that only takes 5 minutes to complete. You can anonymously report your employer, even if you no longer work for them. Your details will not be shared with your employer.